Good Sunday Afternoon to every one. In Gladstone this weekend the weather was amazing the sun was out the wind was blowing just perfect for a couple in love to have the whole weekend to us. I started with a pedicure that Josh's parents gave me, then a cup of tea with Miss Carole, followed by lunch with Josh and a little shopping, dinner with my parents what a perfect day?!? Then Sunday Josh got the 'bunnings bug' you know the one that makes men think they need to buy & create?? Well Josh had it bag and after having a garage make over, so that the new car has a nice clean home to come home to when we pick it up this week he decided that we needed a hut out in our side garden. I must admit that he did an amazing job and it was lovely to sit under it with a cheese platter and wine this afternoon.On the scrapping front I've been loving the chipboard high school over at Scrapping Outback Week one's challenge was great here are my two layouts.

Then week two was cool, I love pirates and love this photo of Josh so it was fun to do this layout.

I'm waiting for week three to dry now before I have to upload it. I'll have to find some great lighting to photograph it this late at night though. (Why do I leave things to the last minute?)
love your layouts Lauren! They look great ! Just started cjecking out blogs again :) Thanks for sharing :)
Mishell Lancett :)
Your secrete is out
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